The Gear'd Life: Living Your Dreams

Why do you do cool shit? Sometimes you just want to have fun, but there is usually another reason. When you know how to look for it, you can find a deeper meaning in everything.

Gear’d Hardware is a brand all about doing cool shit, and we often talk about the heroes who have done the coolest shit out there, but it’s also about everyday life of average people and the adventures that shape us...

The Adventure That Shaped Me

For me, sports was an enormous influence in my life. Growing up, contact sports were my thing. Wrestling and football were my favorites until one day in college, a knee injury changed everything...

After I healed, I needed to retrain and strengthen my body.

Football was replaced by the gym.

To this day, the gym has been a sanctuary of sorts and my biggest outlet for anxiety and stress. 

Being a competitive person led me into bodybuilding and power lifting. Both sports require a high level of discipline and commitment, which can be attributed to a lot of my success today. 

But something always felt like it was missing.

These contests weren’t the competition I craved. 

Getting Past Self Doubt

I really wanted to face an opponent directly and battle them in an arena, I talked about it with my friends, but I never took action. My dream stopped at thoughts and words. 

Then it happened -- opportunity knocked.

A former captain of the SWAT team here in Tampa, and a good friend of mine, asked me to come train with him in jiu-jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts. 

Despite it being a HUGE dream of mine, I procrastinated... FOR YEARS.

I made excuses like:

“I have to get in shape for it.”


“I need to train more in cardio first.”

Does this sound familiar?

Are you struggling with aspirations that you can't motivate yourself to accomplish?

Then the Pandemic Hit

When the world turned upside down, it offered a different view of life.

During the 2020 pandemic, I felt restless and that restlessness drove me to finally do something cool. I'm sure that many of you experienced the same itch to act. It just hit you in a different way.

Maybe you started a business or picked up a new hobby.

One thing is for sure, many people made lemons into lemonade and it was delicious.

Instead of retreating into my house in fear, I let go of the self-doubt and started rolling with humble confidence. Here in Florida, we didn't have as many restrictions as they did in other states, and I was able to pursue my passion.

And it was so much fun!

Learn to Swim By Sinking First

I learned very quickly that size and shape doesn't indicate skill, and underestimating someone can be your worst mistake! I never knew what the other guy was capable of.

One evening, I went up against a small man with twisted finger joints and calluses... who could kill me in 30 different ways! 

Two years Later

Now it's 2022 and I’ve been training for two years.

And I have to say it was the best decision I have ever made!

Sometimes you've got to move outside your comfort zone.

When you have an opportunity to do something amazing, don’t chicken out or just dip your toe in that water, do a full-on belly flop off the diving board.

Do cool shit and enjoy life.



Kris Cram

Gear’d Hardware - Founder and President