To Be Bold: Achieve Your Goals and Face Adversity Like a Boss

One of our missions at Gear’d Hardware is “To Be Bold. And today I want to discuss what it means to be bold and how you can harness it to succeed in your goals, fight failure, and get through the darkest points in your life. 

I’m a dude like you who landed opportunities because I worked really fucking hard to get it. This isn’t a motivational speech or life coach lesson, just my personal thoughts. When times get tough and our morale drops, even the best badasses need a little reminder to recalibrate and get pumped up again.

Our Definition of Bold

There is a difference between bold thinking and bold doing. We want to be bold, not just think about it! 

To be bold is to follow your gut, not the crowd, and have the courage to face issues head-on. To be bold is being yourself and doing it your way. Positive affirmations aren’t bad, but they won’t get you where you want to be. 

Hope and positive thoughts are the side effect of knowing you’re a badass motherfucker who is going to get shit done. It’s the decision to act that defines your character and your life, but action is what changes your life.

Action is the key. To be bold is knowing that there is always a solution… even if you haven’t found it yet.

You will! Just give it a little time.

Know You Can Fail and Do It Anyway

Once you get moving toward your goal, expect setbacks. 

To be bold is about pushing limits and breaking through those obstacles. Every time we meet an impasse and get through it, we are one step closer to our target. But there are some obstacles that land us flat on our ass. Shit happens, and it sucks. It’s important to remember during such times that we can only fail if we quit. 

Reaching a big goal is like fighting a war. Every battle we win brings us closer to achieving victory. However, even the best heroes lose battles. It’s their bold attitude to never give up that leads them to achieve greatness.

What’s Holding You Back

Fear and Procrastination

Oftentimes, our biggest enemy is ourselves. It isn’t that we fail, but that the fear of possible defeat holds us back. To be bold is to brave the fear of failure, push past it, and take action. 

We all have something we want to do but hesitate to start. What if that one thing changes your life forever? How will you know if you don’t try? 

Remember, doing nothing is a form of failure. You need to progress forward in any way you can, even if that “progress” is getting up in the morning and taking an online course. A lot of small successes can grow into powerful potential.  

Overlooked Priorities

Every man has their own idea of what success means to them. Where they go wrong is they think too big. For most of us, our main goal is to have a rewarding career or provide for our family, maybe both. But the big picture can blind us, causing us to lose sight of other priorities. Our relationships and overall well being are also areas that should be included in our quest for success. 

There are a ton of factors involved in your main goals. Break it down and pay attention to the parts that create the whole. 

Living Bold

To be bold is about being driven, determined, and confident. We continue to feel good about ourselves despite the odds because we go the extra mile on a daily basis, taking every day as a new opportunity to succeed. No matter how big or small, every win is celebrated as a huge victory. 

When I decided to start Gear’d Hardware, it wasn’t handouts, optimism, faith, or luck that brought it to life. It was a steadfast dedication to take an idea and make it happen - It was fucking hard work! Even now, my team and I strive every day to improve our company and benefit the Gear’d Community. We make our brand bold because it reflects our values. 

If you would like to learn more about our mission and my story, check out the new Gear’d Hardware About Page.